21 January 2013

Without two people, there could not be one word. 
If they could understand the origin of language, they could understand the origin of the universe.
Bhartrhari wrote what was called the Sphota theory. In a nutchell this theory maintains that the uttered word has one purpose to reveal the inner, unspoken word's meaning. This inner word, which precedes any articulation, is the object of speaking.
It has a unity that precedes sound. However, to discover the word's unity, one must speak it, release it into the air.
Bhartrhari described four levels of language beginning with the least significant:

the articulated one (external and audible)
The middle one (mental and potential)
The witnessing one ( latent and formless)
The supreme attendant (fundamental to being and transcendental)

He said that these levels correspond to levels of self-realization

The written word is inferior to the spoken word because it is unable to produce the kind of nuanced music that the breath gives to speech; and likewise the spoken word is less significant than the potential but unspoken word because it is farther away from its origin.

Between the potential word and the origin, there is a watcher; consciousness that broods over every utterance, thought, and dream.
It is similar to a sky that fulminates with gray and pale-colored clouds, a lighter form of water that broods and vanishes into the blue.

Like Virginia Woolf's description at the beginning of The Waves :
"The surface of the sea slowly became transparent and lay rippling and sparkling until the dark stripes were almost rubbed out. Slowly the arm that held the lamp raised it higher and then higher until a broad flame became visible; an arc of fire burnt on the rim of the horizon, and all round it the sea blazed gold."

"Bhartrthari believes that the listener waits in full knowledge of each word coming. He is like comeone watching a distant figure who draws closer and closer until he is someone recognizable.

Bhartrhari would say that the words only acquire their meaning in a relationship of exchange. The listener is the one who makes sense of the utterance, who catches it and finds it recognizable or not.
Without two people, there could not be one word. The future is like a listener who can put the sounds together and respond. The future is only the past recognizing itself at another location."

Fanny Howe
The Winter Sun

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